
Understand the Avalanche Package Structure

Welcome to the "Introduction" tutorial of the "From Zero to Hero" series. We will start our journey by taking a quick look at the Avalanche main modules to understand its general architecture.

As hinted in the getting started introduction Avalanche is organized in five main modules:

  • Benchmarks: This module maintains a uniform API for data handling: mostly generating a stream of data from one or more datasets. It contains all the major CL benchmarks (similar to what has been done for torchvision).

  • Training: This module provides all the necessary utilities concerning model training. This includes simple and efficient ways of implement new continual learning strategies as well as a set pre-implemented CL baselines and state-of-the-art algorithms you will be able to use for comparison!

  • Evaluation: This module provides all the utilities and metrics that can help evaluate a CL algorithm with respect to all the factors we believe to be important for a continually learning system. It also includes advanced logging and plotting features, including native Tensorboard support.

  • Models: In this module you'll find several model architectures and pre-trained models that can be used for your continual learning experiment (similar to what has been done in torchvision.models). Furthermore, we provide everything you need to implement architectural strategies, task-aware models, and dynamic model expansion.

  • Logging: It includes advanced logging and plotting features, including native stdout, file and Tensorboard support (How cool it is to have a complete, interactive dashboard, tracking your experiment metrics in real-time with a single line of code?)

Avalanche Main Modules and Sub-Modules
├── Benchmarks
│   ├── Classic
│   ├── Datasets
│   ├── Generators
│   ├── Scenarios
│   └── Utils
├── Evaluation
│   ├── Metrics
│   ├── Tensorboard
|   └── Utils
├── Training
│   ├── Strategies
│   ├── Plugins
|   └── Utils
├── Models
└── Loggers

In this series of tutorials, you'll get the chance to learn in-depth all the features offered by each module and sub-module of Avalanche, how to put them together and how to master Avalanche, for a stress-free continual learning prototyping experience!

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